Re-Evaluating Your Relationships to Support Your Recovery

Group of friends with their arms around each others shoulders walking down the street

Addiction is something that affects all aspects of a person's life. Recovering from substance use disorder and leading a sober lifestyle means making some big changes. That includes avoiding certain places, social situations, and even people that used to be a big part of the recovering person's life.

If you're beginning your recovery journey, here's why thinking about the people in your life can help you.

Are My Friends Addicts?

In recovery, and particularly early recovery, it's very important to rethink some of your existing friendships and other relationships. Many addicts have friends who also abuse drugs and alcohol. Some acquaintances may have even helped escalate and perpetuate these harmful behaviors by encouraging them. People who want to recover need to avoid these old friends, or else there is an increased risk of relapse.

Being Friends With Your Supplier

Another group that should be avoided is drug suppliers. This includes dealers but could include friends who have given you drugs in the past. If you've struggled with alcohol in the past, this category could even include friends and family members who think drinking is harmless and don't understand why you've stopped.

Do My Friends and Family Enable My Behavior?

Any enablers at all should really be avoided. This includes people who made excuses for you and your behavior, people who gave them money to buy drugs, and people who bought drugs or alcohol for you. During recovery, it's important for people to surround themselves with others who will help keep you accountable and support your choice to remain sober.

Are My Loved Ones Critical of My Recovery?

Finally, it's also a good idea to stay away from disagreeable or critical people. If you have always had conflicts with a family member, for example, it's unwise to spend a lot of time with them, especially in early recovery. Arguments and confrontations can be a trigger for relapse in many recovering people.

Addiction and Mental Health Treatment in Knoxville

When you're struggling with drug addiction, mental health issues, or both, turn to Tennessee Wellness Center for help. We recognize the intrinsic relationship between mental health and addiction, which is why we employ a whole-person approach to wellness. Our family of addiction specialists is dedicated to providing you with the support and tools you need to succeed.

To learn more, contact us online or give us a call today at (865) 205-2770!
